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Our Team

The success of our practice is reflected in the diversity and talent within our team.
We are a consistent team of passionate architects and interior designers whose experience, skills and critical thinking have underpinned the quality of our work..
Our projects have been recognised through significant State and National awards, publications (digital and print), Registered with NSW Government Architect’s Strategy and Design Prequalification Scheme for Architecture and in tertiary education forums.
Thank you to past collaborators:
Shivan Shah
Lucia Stafforini
Ati Hezarian
Dung Le
Sonny Oh
Nally Zheng
Nicole Yuhan Huang
Sonni Jeong
Jessica Fong
Nishat Hossain
Lamar Lockhart - Smith
Bachelor of Design in Architecture
B. Arch (UTS)

Adrian Hernandez
B.Arch (Hons) UNSW
Registered Architect NSW 8047
Class 2 DB&P registered
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Lucia Martinez - Gomez
Project Leader
M.Arch (UNSW)
B.Arch (Hons) Uni Politecnica Valencia
Lilia Jimenez
Bachelor of Architecture
B. Arch (Uni Monterrey)
Project Management (Current)

Cameron Webb
Senior Project Leader
B. Arch / Bsc (Arch) U. Syd

Patrick Hanrahan
Architectural Technician
Dip. Building Design (NSW TAFE)

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